SAT, PSAT and Digital SAT
The SAT is used by colleges and universities as part of their admission requirements. It is also used to determine NCAA and scholarship eligibility. The test is designed to measure language skills (Reading and Writing) and Math reasoning skills. The PSAT provides firsthand practice for the SAT.
Effective March 2024, the SAT has transitioned to digital testing fully. Under very rare circumstances, can a student be approved for paper based testing.
Find schedule for group SAT preparation: Upcoming Classes
SAT Test Information
The SAT is administered multiple times during the year – August, October, November, December, March, May and June. The majority of students will take the SAT during their junior year at least twice, reserving a third administration for early in their senior year. SAT test dates can be found below.
We advise students to register for the SAT at least 5 weeks in advance. Students may register for the SAT by visiting College Board.
Each test date has its own registration deadline and choice of venues for the test. Once registered for the test, the students have the option to change the test date. Collegeboard will charge a fee to change the test date.
yes, we offer practice SAT tests on a regular basis at our centers. Check out our registration page to see the upcoming test dates.
The SAT is scored on a scale from 400-1600. Taken on a computer, the test is about 2 hours and 20 min long test.
Broadly speaking, SAT tests students on Math, reading and Grammar.
There are two modules of SAT Reading and two module of SAT Math.
SAT Reading: Module 1 and Module 2 each are 32 minutes long with 27 questions
SAT Math: Module 1 and Module 2 each are 35 minutes long with 22 questions
Any SAT scores you have will still remain just as valid. Super scoring policy will still apply just the same. Since the scores are equivalent, colleges will have no preference either.
If you are signed up to take the SAT and would like to make any changes to your registration information, including:
Your personal identifying information
Test Day or Center
Adding or removing the Essay
High School Information or Score Reports
You can click here.
Yes, we offer practice SAT tests for local community organizations/ schools at their location or coordinate to offer the test at our centers. Feel free to contact us with your needs.
PSAT Test Information
PSAT scores have no effect on a student’s candidacy for admission. In fact, colleges don’t even get to see the scores. However, if PSAT scores are competitive, then a student is entitled to national merit scholarships. Scores from the Junior year test are considered for the NMSQT contest.
The PSAT is a good introduction to exposing students to longer, more demanding tests like the SAT or ACT. Many students have test-taking anxiety. Hence, their results on standardized tests may not be in line with their in-class academic capabilities.
The PSAT provides firsthand practice for the SAT. Therefore, scores from this test are a powerful indicator of how students will perform on the actual SAT. It also highlights a student’s strengths and weaknesses in core topic areas, which in turn can form the basis for future test preparation.
We HIGHLY recommend all our 10th graders and 11th graders who are targeting NMQST to take this test. Every year many of our students qualify for this highly competitive scholarship program.
This is one time when we do not recommend rigorous preparation; a small warm-up is usually enough. However, for HS juniors who are interested in the National Merit Scholarship, a more thorough and dedicated effort is needed for preparing for this test and getting the qualifying scores. Contact us to discuss your PSAT/NMSQT preparation game plan.
While most schools invite their 10th and 11th graders to take the PSAT test, but only scores from 11th grade PSAT test qualify for the NMSQT competition. Click here to view the road to becoming a National Merit Scholar.
Upcoming SAT Test Dates 2024-25
Regular Registration - July 28th
Late registration - Aug 13th
Appox. Scores Available - Sep 6th
Regular Registration - Sep 6th
Late registration - Sep 24th
Appox. Scores Available - Oct 18th
Regular Registration - Oct 4th
Late registration - Oct 22nd
Appox. Scores Available - Nov 15th
Regular Registration - Nov 1st
Late registration - Nov 26th
Appox. Scores Available - Dec 20th
Regular Registration - Feb 2nd
Late registration - Feb 25th
Appox. Scores Available - Mar 21st
Regular Registration - Apr 4th
Late registration - April 25th
Appox. Scores Available - May 16th
Regular Registration - May 2nd
Late registration - May 27th
Appox. Scores Available - Jun 20th