Math Tutoring
At Axios we believe that there is no such thing as a “math person,” but rather everyone has the capacity to learn and understand math. To ensure instruction is delivered in a stress-free learning environment, students and tutors are carefully matched. We expose students to a variety of learning styles in order to address every type of learner.
With experienced Axios math tutors students can expect to
Use visualization to see a problem and its solution.
Learn how to chunk a problem into smaller pieces.
Practice solving similar problems to gain confidence.
Visualization: We teach visual learners how to “see a problem” in order to build understanding. Students practice talking through a problem in their own heads or drawing a representation of the problem.
Chunking: We model how to break down a problem into smaller steps. For auditory learners, hearing the explanation facilitates comprehension. Unlike the classroom, with 1:1 tutoring, students can listen to an explanation over and over until they are able to construct meaning on their own.
Practice: We provide numerous opportunities for practice with guidance from our tutors which helps tactile learners to become more comfortable and gain confidence with math. Not only does this help students in school, but also research shows that time spent preparing for SAT and ACT tests translates to better scores
Subjects Available
Baseline Assessment
Calculus 1 and 2
Differential Equation
Linear Algebra
AP Calc AB, BC
Pre-calc, Trig
Algebra 2
Algebra 1
Students have the option to work with us in-person or online.
Some of the higher level math sessions may only be available online.
All our math tutoring is done in 1:1 private sessions.
Summer learning includes credit recovery, pre-learning, back to basics.
Following math subject levels are available for tutoring
Baseline assessment is appox. hour long, taken online. It can be used either as an end of course evaluation or readiness for the upcoming class.
I am not a Math person - True/ False?
Just like we have the capacity to learn to read and write, everyone has the capacity to learn and understand Math. Like any other skill, it needs practice and patience. Above all, understanding how you process it cognitively goes a long way in building confidence and success:
· For strong visual learners, seeing a problem and its solution builds understanding.
· For auditory learners, they may need to hear the explanation in order to comprehend it.
· For tactical learners, solving numerous similar math problems can help them to become more comfortable and confident.
Learn More - Mindprint Webinar