ELA: Reading-Writing Tutoring
Research shows that reading comprehension and the ability to communicate in writing are clear indicators of college success. Regardless of a future in STEAM, business, medicine, or social sciences, students need to be effective readers and writers in college.
With experienced Axios English tutors students can expect to
Read a wide variety of genres to understand how text structure and style contribute to meaning.
Receive explicit writing instruction including strategies for overcoming writer’s block.
Reinforce grammar rules as a natural part of the reading and writing processes.
Reading Skills: We provide students with reading instruction that helps them make sense of complex text across literary genres. Students will learn and practice a variety of active reading strategies such as how to map a text, understand text structure, take effective notes, and approach novels and non-fiction text differently.
Writing Skills: We expose students to a range of writing techniques including using enhanced vocabulary, figurative language, and classical structure. All communication is based on Topic, Audience, and Purpose; therefore, by providing explicit instruction and many opportunities to write, students learn to choose the writing techniques that will best meet their needs.
Grammar Skills: We emphasize grammar’s five basic components: Comparison, Agreement, Verb Tense, Diction and Idioms, and Word Order and Sentence Structure. This not only makes students better writers but also prepares them for the English portion of SAT and ACT tests.
Services Available
Academic Essays
Scholarship Essays
College Essays
Revision and Editing Services
Differentiated Instruction
Support for Struggling Readers
Our ELA services are available for students Grade 7 through College
Students have the option to work with us in-person or online.
We offer 1:1 private reading and writing sessions (some group workshops available)
We offer 1:1 private reading and writing sessions (some group workshops available)
Following services are available for tutoring